

Student Life


The right blend of core curricular activity, life enriching extra-curricular activities, personality development initiatives, culture cantered programs, literary events and the perfect infrastructure make learning quite an exciting journey for the students.

The  forums such as Student Community, Student Council Body and Students Committee provide ample opportunity for the students to demonstrate and develop  their leadership qualities, organizational abilities, expose their special skills, freedom of expression,  and also provides them an exposure to  society centred  initiatives and social responsibility.
We attach a greater emphasis to imbibe better values in the minds of students and we have a series of programmes, which include narrating moral stories, relating values embedded real life incidents besides many other innovative ways to spruce up their moral values.
We also provide a well-thought out exercises to students to develop diverse life skills such as decision-making, problem-solving, communication, creative thinking, self-awareness, interpersonal skills etc. The combination of values and life skills contribute to the personality development, which is essential to confront the struggles of human existence.
The school magazine serves as a platform for the students to herald their talent to larger audience, which include students, teachers, parents and the others. The students can demonstrate their creative writing skills such as poems, essays, short stories and artistic skills.  The recognition, compliments and appreciation enlarge the spirit of the students enormously.
The Alumni Committee constituted by former students of two batches keep in touch with their favourite institution, which they regard as their second home.  They organize social events, publish newsletters and magazines besides contributing significantly for various other initiatives of the Committee.

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